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The S&P 500 index is a stock market index which tracks the top 500 public companies by market cap. This is generally considered a good indicator of the health of the United States economy since other indexes such as the DOW and Nasdaq have either too few equities in the index or are weighted too heavily toward technology respectively. The below infographic shows each time a news contribu...
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Baltimore has a huge abandoned housing problem. Many of the city's residents blame the problems on "white flight", which means the abandonment of properties or market selling properties because of white property owner's racism. Many opinion pieces on this subject are found in the Baltimore Sun, one of Baltimore's premier news publications. Whether or not racism is to blame for Baltimore's probl...
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Regardless of what your doing on the internet, privacy and security should always be one of your primary concerns. While TorrentGuard is focused on making bittorrent anonymous it is also a fully functional VPN to keep all your internet activities private and secure.Torrentguard is a leader in the online security industry – is proud to renew its commitment to defeat every online threat via the laun...
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Initial public offerings, a measure of china's financial strength, hong kong and shanghai are now global leaders supplanting new york. by virtues of this holdings, china has become america's biggest foreign lender. no country has ever loaned another so much money.Nor has any held so much reserves.
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Barrack Obama is the first major candidate to decline participation in the public financing system for  presdential campaigns, He's found a more effective way to raise money by leveraging the power of the american people through online social networks.Social networking is a virtual community where members share and communicate online. News and information is often deemed more trustworthy beca...
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We live in a world thats shrinking due to communication and technology, yet growing in terms of overall wealth and prosperity. In this graphic, we take a look at a few of the worlds leading nations, in terms of economic conditions for individuals and nations. From the perspective of the UK, one of the oldest economies in the world.The UK treasury just released ist spending review which specifies t...
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According to study of student expenditures at yale University in 1915, one college freshman spent $4,500 in his first year. The least amount spent by a freshman that year was $200, or $4,201 adjusted for inflation. And according to national Retail Federation there are $10.5 billion gearing-up for campus this year.
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