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Visual Guide to Inflation
Inflation can be complicated, it is when stuff costs more.When inflation is often villified, it is more complicated that that. That is generally the case, although there are other indices being measured as well.So, do you think inflation is bad? It can be bad, but it depends on the situation. inflation workds to out advantage, but too much inflation cant be good.
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Recalled Baby Products Listed
Last April 2009, Toys R Us has stopped ordering drop-side cribs because of safety concerns.The company's chairman and chief executive told the wall street Journal. Dropside models figured in many of the recalls in which missing or loose hardware caused the drop-side to separate form the crib, creating a gap in which a baby can become trapped or strangle.There are two different types of recalls, th...
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United States federal Budget shows the total spending of money from billions of dollars.From general government, they spend 1%, Science and technology 1%, community and regional development, agriculture, foreign affairs, and environment and natural resources 1%,admisnitration of justice 2%, veterans benefits 3%, transportation 3%,education and training 3%, debt interest 9%, medicad et al, 10%, une...
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Each year businesses prepare for the holiday onslaught by calling in the reserves: seasonal employees. These temporarily hired hands help companies get through the busy season without having to keep extra staff year-round. But finding the right employees takes considerable effort and training. We examine the world of seasonal employment: what other companies are doing and how you can successfully ...
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USA vs China in a Chart
Initial public offerings, a measure of china's financial strength, hong kong and shanghai are now global leaders supplanting new york. by virtues of this holdings, china has become america's biggest foreign lender. no country has ever loaned another so much money.Nor has any held so much reserves.
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Rise of the Yen
The strength of the yen has been one of the hottest topics in the tokyo summer, with the authorities last week stepping up verbal intervention after the currency hit a 15 year high againts the dollar.The yen's strength did not damage Japans april-june economic growth as the currency remained weaker than Y90.But the yen factor is not all bad for the economy. Half of japans exports to china are invo...