SAS 184 – Disaster Strategy & Vehicles

Transport has an important role to play in disaster strategy. Make sure you know how to get the best use out of your vehicle in any situation.
If you are trapped in a blizzard, stay in the car. If you are on a regular traffic route you will probably soon be rescued. Going for help could be too risky.

SAS 184 - Disaster Strategy & Vehicles

SAS 184 – Disaster Strategy & Vehicles

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All freshwater fish are palatable. Whenever the fish is gotten, cut it is throat to drain it, and evacuate gills. To gut it, opening from the butt-centric opening to the throat. 
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Types of Fracture: If no medical help is expected, reduce closed fractures as soon as possible after injury by applying traction, then splint and immobilise the whole length of the limb. Splints can be pieces of wood, rools of newspaper, ski sticks, etc.
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Cooking in clay: This requires o utensils. Wrap food in a ball of clay and place in the embers. Heat radiates through the clay, which protects against food scorching. Animals must be cleaned and gutted first but need to be otherwise prepared.
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Gouge a small depression at a near end of baseboard. Cut a cavity below for tiner. Shape the spindle evenly. Make a bow from a pliable shoot and hide, twine or a bootlace. Use hollow piece of stone wood to steady top of the spindle and exert downloard pressure. Wind bowstring once round spindle.
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