SAS 181 – Disaster Strategy, Lightning & Earthquake

Stay Low: You can sometimes sense that a lightning strike is imminent by a tingling in the skin and the sensation of the hair standing up on end. If you are standing up, drop to the ground at once, going first to the knees with the hands touching the ground.

SAS 181 - Disaster Strategy, Lightning & Earthquake

SAS 181 – Disaster Strategy, Lightning & Earthquake

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SAS 182 - Disaster Strategy & Earthquake
After the Earthquake: Check yourself and others for injuries. Apply first aid if necessary. Rupture of sewage systems, contamination of water and the hazards of the bodies trapped in the wreckage can all make the risk of disease as deadly as the earthquake itself. Bury all corpses, animal and human. take special precautions over sanitation and personal hygiene.
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To reduce risk keep skin covered, sleep under a mosquito net, use insect repellents, and do not camp near swamps or stagnat water. A course of tablets, begun before exposure, can protect against malaria. Not restricted to the tropics, transmitted through saliva of female anpheles mosquito. It kills over a million people a year in Africa alone.
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Lock Pick A
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How to Jump from a Moving Car
Flinging yourself from a moving auto ought to be a final resort, for instance if your brakes are flawed and your auto is going to take off a bluff or into an entourage. Apply the crisis brake. This should not stop the auto, at the same time it may back it off enough to make bouncing safer. 
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Edible Forest Plants
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SAS 150 - First Aid & Bandaging
Never join bandages with knots. Anchor separate strips by binding over a previously applied layer. Tie finishing knots over uninjured side or limb. Use knots which are easily untied and easily accessible.